
Family: a dream that goes on
The magic of the Tuscan countryside, in the heart of the Chianti Classico region, has fascinated and captivated Monika and Thomas Bär-Bettschart since 1990. Their “love at first sight“ would become the Land of their Dreams and the origin of their Passion for Taste.
The Gagliole logo, depicting a compass on a horizontal beam, is the coat of arms of the Bettschart family: it embodies values such as precision, quality and care. In medieval times masons marked their work with this emblem.
Today, three generations of the Bär family follow Gagliole’s activity and ensure the future of the Land of their Dreams.

Our Team
Our team of many years standing shares our Passion for Taste and is fully devoted to making one of the best Chianti Classico wines.

Cesare Panti

Cesare Panti, who is with us more than 20 years, is entrusted with the management of the estate. Son of a winemaker from Poggibonsi, Cesare worked at the Teruzzi & Puthod cellars in San Gimignano for many years. He unites great professionalism with greatest dedication.

Giulio Carmassi

Giulio Carmassi graduated in Viticultural and Oenological Sciences at the Universities of Pisa and Turin. In 2013, after some years of professional training in Tuscany and the United States, he joined the Gagliole Team. Giulio is our winemaker and agronomist. Thanks to his exceptional skills we can produce outstanding wines.

Alessia Riccieri

Alessia Riccieri graduated from the Higher School of Foreign Languages of Siena and began her professional career in the tourism and wine sector. Alessia speaks fluent English, German, and French and is responsible for Gagliole’s sales, export and hospitality activities, which have flourished during her tenure of more than 10 years.

Cosimo Soderi

Cosimo Soderi graduated in Communication, Languages, and Culture from the University of Siena.
He is our marketing manager and is responsible for communication, social media and e-commerce and is a great lover of wines, particularly Chianti Classico. He speaks fluent English and has a good knowledge of German.

Serenella Bentivoglio

Serenella Bentivoglio graduated in Law from the University of Siena and is passionate about wines. Since more than 20 years with us – she speaks fluent English and is responsible for our estate’s administrative and logistical management.

Stefano Berti

Stefano Berti, a skilled mechanic and trained IT specialist, is responsible for managing our warehouse and for the timely shipping of our products.